The original working title, rejected by the publisher, of a book edited by Carol Stimmel and Don Olson to be published in late 2016.
Navigating the Knowledge Commons: A Guide to Information Liberation in the Age of Future Tech. Don Sherwood Olson and Carol L. Stimmel, Editors.
Inspired by the work of Elinor Ostrom on the commons, as well as the successes of open-source software, Carol and Don will explore the movement toward a knowledge commons and what parts of theory can be pushed into practice, and conversely what practices exist that inform a new theory of commons management.
Here we are recruiting authors, crafting individual letters to make clear that we are seeking each contributor out because of the work each has already done, meaning we hope to essentially license or "fork" a version of something already existent to minimize the demands on each person's time.
But what I forget is that people write because they must, as I do, yet I always feel that it is such an imposition to ask for text from writers. Since we are trying to give a forum for work already extant in some form, perhaps that's the problem.
Writers write. Asking for something new or revised or different from writers is likely not the burden I fear I am imposing, but rather like asking a puppy to gambol in the meadow. Too much? Okay, but as much as I grump about having to write this or that, I always end up rolling around with great pleasure in the production.
Experimental Interview as a slow conversation with Ward Cunningham in and about wiki.
Interview Pod Charter explains what we expect of all who join this conversation.