Interview Pod Charter

We describe how we will collectively author a single chapter based on what we are calling an Experimental Interview.

Some portion of the authoring will be done online in a neighborhood of the federated wiki called a pod. Here we write the rules for this collaboration. See Operational Rules-in-Use

# Structure

We will call the neighborhood the Interview Pod and thus refer to content on specific member sites.

Ward will administer the pod as long as it remains centered on his site,

Ward will maintain a roster of pod members on the welcome page of his site. This roster may include other useful sites but not under the title Interview Pod.

The pod roster might reference current works of potential members. Consider these to be nominees for membership, but by what process?

Pod related correspondence can be directed to the administrator at

# Activity

Members will transclude the pod roster as the first item of their own welcome page roster. This markup will effect the transclusion.


Members will contribute new pages or new paragraphs to existing pages every week.

Members must stay abreast of revisions of this charter. This will most likely be the addition of new workflows.

Non-binding charter revisions may appear on member's forks of this page. The pod administrator will review and accept revisions at his discretion at least once a week.

Disregard of the charter will lead to eviction from the pod roster. Disregard of administrator responsibility suggests dissolution of the pod.

# Workflow

Here we list the workflows we expect to be employed to advance the goals of this charter. Not all content on a members site need be involved in a listed workflow.